Seminar – Bike Share

September 6, 2017 10.00 - 12.00 h

From humble origins (Witte Fietsenplan, Amsterdam) over half a century ago, bike share is now active in over 1,000 cities. Greater interest in sustainable mobility, coupled with technological developments have spurred the growth of bike share. This presentation describes the international trends currently taking place within the bike share sector, including the very recent phenomenon of ‘dockless’ bike share that relies on QR Codes and GPS. This presentation provides an overview of bike share performance, planning tools for defining bike share catchments, and a description of the impacts of bike share. Finally, this presentation will lead into a discussion on how the Netherlands might best integrate modern bike share into its already thriving cycling culture.

Programme seminar
Chairman: Prof. Bert van Wee

10.00 – 10.05      Opening and welcome
10.05 – 10.45      Dr. Elliot Fishman (Director at the Institute for Sensible Transport, Australia)
Current Trends in Bike Sharing
10.45 – 11.00       Dr. Kees Maat (TU Delft)
Reflecting on presentation Fishmann
11.00 – 12.00       Discussion & lunch afterwards

Aula TU Delft, Commissiekamer 2

Participation is free, registration is required: click here.


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