Seminar – Advances In Road Traffic Modelling and Control

December 7, 2017 11.30 - 14.00 h

On 7 December 2017, TRAIL PhD researcher Yu Han will defend his PhD thesis “Fast Model Predictive Control Approaches for Road Traffic Control” at Delft University of Technology. On the occasion of his public defence, TRAIL and TU Delft have set up a seminar on: “Advances In Road Traffic Modelling and Control”. You are warmly welcome to attend this seminar!

Programme seminar
Chairman: Yufei Yuan

11:30 – 11:40  Introduction
11:40 – 12:10     Mohsen Ramezani (University of Sydney) –Recent Advances in Traffic Modelling and Control
12:10 – 12:40     Sue Ahn (University of Wisconsin – Madison) –Variable Speed Release (VSR): Speed Control to Increase Bottleneck Capacity

12:40 – 13.00   Short Break + Lunch

13:00 – 13:30     Ludovic Leclercq (IFSTTAR/ENTPE -Université de Lyon) –How parking searches are impacting traffic conditions: a trip-based MFD approach
13:30 – 14:00     Marco Rinaldi (Univeristy of Luxembourg) – Non-convexity and non-smoothness in optimal traffic control problems, findings and insights.

Location: TU Delft Library, Prometheusplein 1

Room: the Hive

Participation is free, registration is required: click here.

Public defence Yu Han
At 15:00 h the public defence starts in the Senaatszaal of the Aula. At 14:30 h Yu will give a brief presentation about his research in the same room. You are warmly invited to attend the defence

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