Seminar – Design and Modelling of Evacuation Measures

December 12, 2016 09.30 - 11.30 h

On 12 December 2016, TRAIL PhD student Mignon van den Berg will defend her PhD thesis “The Influence of Herding on Departure Choice in Case of an Evacuation: Design and analysis of a serious gaming experimental set-up” at Delft University of Technology.

On the occasion of her public defence, TRAIL and TU Delft have set up an interesting seminar on ‘Design and Modelling of Evacuation Measures’. Three distinguished speakers will present their views on possible evacuation measures and on modelling of evacuations.

Chairman: Dr. ir. Rob van Nes

9.30 – 10.00 h.       Prof. dr. Ira Helsloot (RU Nijmegen)
Proportional Evacuation Measures
10.00 – 10.30 h.     Prof. dr. Constantinos Antoniou (Technical University of Munich)
Evacuation Modelling Under Uncertainty
10.30 – 11.00 h.     Prof. dr. Brian Wolshon (Luisiana State University)
“Traffic Simulation and Modelling for Flexible Notice Mass Evacuations”
11.00 – 11.30 h.     Lunch

Location: TPM,  Room D

Participation is free, registration is required: click here

Public defence Mignon van den Berg
At 12:30 h the public defence starts in the Senaatszaal of the Aula. At 12:00 h Mignon will give a brief presentation about her research in the same room (in Dutch).

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