Program TRAIL PhD Congress 2019

Program TRAIL PhD Congress 2019
28 November 2019 – Grand Hotel Karel V, Utrecht

Start Time Unico van Wassenaar Graaf van Leicester Anna van Oostenrijk Hertogen
09.30 Registration & Coffee/tea    
10.00 Opening by Bert van Wee and Pablo Núñez Velasco
    Automated Vehicles: Acceptance Freight Transport & Supply Chain Public Transport & Rail Transport
    CHAIR Marieke Martens/Vincent Marchau CHAIR Rob van der Heijden CHAIR Rob van Nes
10.20   Calibrating users’ trust during Highly Automated Driving: The i–CAVE project by Francesco Walker The Value of Carrier Information in Decentralized Vehicle Routing by Johan Los Integrating network science and public transport accessibility analysis for comparative assessment by Ding Luo
10.40   Driver acceptance of truck platooning – an exploratory study by Anirudh Kishore Bhoopalam Analyzing the role of seaport operations in generating inbound/outbound truck traffic demand and its implications on traffic system by Ali Nadi Designing integrated public transport networks by Roy van Kuijk
11.00   Time-use in the Automated Vehicle–era: Results of an Interactive Stated Activity-Travel Survey by Baiba Pudane Inter-Organizational Power and Supply Chain Decisions: A Systematic Literature Review by Kartika Nurhayati Different perspectives on fair public transport fares by Andrike Mastebroek
11.20   What would you do on the way? by Maryna Oztürker Prospects of advanced railway signalling: the case of Virtual Coupling by Joelle Aoun
11.40 Plenair session zero-emission aviation  
12.00 Lunch
(in de Refter!)
    Automated Vehicles: Implementation   Choice Modelling
    CHAIR Vincent Marchau   CHAIR Soora Rasouli
13.00   Perceived Complexity of Driving Scenarios: an Online Survey by Anika Boelhouwer The Participatory Value Evaluation Method: Extensions and Applications by Jose Hernandez
13.20   Taking Over Manual Control from Automated Vehicle Platoon: Do Passenger Car Drivers and Professional Truck Drivers Behave Differently? by Bo Zang How much would you pay not to share your ride? by María J. Alonso González
13.40   A Business Class for Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand: Modeling Service Quality Constraints in Ridesharing Systems by Breno Beirigo Capturing Moral Uncertainty through a Latent Class Choice Model:
A Transport Policy application by Andreia Martinho
14.00   Dedicated Lane Design for Automated Vehicles: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda by Solmaz Razmi Rad   Identification
in Decision Field Theory by Teodora Szep
14.20 Break
Supervisor of the Year
    Active modes & Urban Travel   Freight Transport
    CHAIR Bert van Wee   CHAIR: Lori Tavasszy
15.30   A framework for a dynamic hybrid pedestrian simulation model (ongoing work) by Martijn Sparnaaij   Investigating the costs and benefits of using an urban consolidation centre by Anna Dreischerf
15.50   The cycling route choice model: A systematic review by Hong Yan   Towards rail-related multimodal freight exchange platforms: Exploring regulatory topics at EU level by Anuradha Jain
16.10   Spatio-Temporal Variations in Urban Traffic
Networks by Oskar Eikenbroek
  A dynamic and stochastic shipment matching problem in hinterland multimodal transportation by Wenjing Guo
16.30   The HOW and WHY of education-related student travel of a Dutch University of Applied Sciences by Marieke Versteijlen
17.00 Drinks
Q&A Life after PhD
18.00 Diner buffet
20.00 End of program