Course archive

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September – December 2022

DateTitle course
7, 14, 21 Sept. & 12 Oct.Fundamental Knowledge on Transport, Infrastructure & Logistics
28 SeptemberCapita selecta: How to Write a Review Report
4, 11 & 18 October Data Analysis and Statistics
5 & 26 Oct., 2 & 30 Nov.Quantitative Modelling and Analysis of Supply Chains
19 Oct. & 9 Nov.Capita selecta: Empirical Research in Supply Chain Management
25 NovemberWriting and Publishing a ‘TRAIL’ Research Article
Fully bookedStated Choice Data Collection
23 Nov. & 14 Dec.Capita selecta: Behavioral Operations Management
Fully bookedCapita selecta: Reinforcement Learning for Operations Management

January – June 2022

DateTitle course
20 JanuaryIntroduction to TRAIL & the PhD students process
1 & 15 February, 1 & 15 MarchPassenger Transport Systems
23 February, 13 April, 15 June Writing a Literature Review in the TIL Domain
6 & 20 April, 11 & 25 MayTransport Logistics Modelling
10 and 17 May, 7 JuneTIL Theories and Methods
PostponedBehavioural Aspects in Transport
30 JuneSocietal Relevance of your PhD Research
5, 6 7, 8 JulyDiscrete Choice Analysis: micro-econometrics and machine learning approaches
Fully bookedMachine Learning

September – December 2021

DateTitle course
14, 21 & 28 September, 5 OctoberData Science Bootcamp
15 September, 20 OctoberCapita selecta: Sustainable Operations Management
22 September, 13 OctoberCapita selecta: Emergency Service Logistics
29 September, 6 October, 10 & 24 NovemberFundamental Knowledge on Transport, Infrastructure & Logistics
13, 14 & 15 OctoberTraffic Flow Operations and AI
3 & 17 November, 8 & 15 DecemberAdvanced Inventory Theory
12 NovemberFrom Horse to Porsche: innovations in transport and logistics
1 December, 16 FebruaryCapita selecta: Reinforcement Learning for Operations Management

January – June 2021

DateTitle course
25 January 2021Introduction to TRAIL & the PhD students process
10, 17, 24 February & 2 March 2021Machine Learning
11 February, 22 April & 10 June 2021Writing a Literature Review in the TIL Domain
3, 24 & 31 March, 21 April 2021Facility Logistics Management
10 & 17 March 2021Periodic Review Inventory Management and Markov Decision Processes
11, 18 & 23 March 2021Data-analysis and Statistics
7 & 14 April, 12 & 19 May 2021Freight Transport Management
8 & 9 April 2021Stated Choice Data Collection
15 April 2021Writing and Publishing a ‘TRAIL’ Research Article
11 May 2021Societal Relevance of your PhD Research
9 & 16 June 2021Logistics Planning: from strategic to real-time

September – December 2020

DateTitle course
8, 10 & 11 SeptemberDiscrete Choice Analysis: micro-econometrics and machine learning approaches
9 & 13 SeptemberCapita Selecta Behavioral Operations Management
30 September, 21 & 28 October, 16 DecemberQuantitative Modelling and Analysis of Supply Chains
5, 8 & 26 OctoberTIL – Theories & Methods
7 & 14 October, 4 & 25 NovemberFundamental Domain Knowledge on T, I & L
11 & 12, 18 & 19 NovemberMachine Learning
2 & 9 December Capita selecta: Empirical Methods in Supply Chain Management
8 DecemberBehavioral Aspects in Transport

January – June 2020

DateTitle course
3 FebruaryIntroduction to TRAIL and the PhD Student Proces
5 & 19 Feb. / 4 March / 1 AprilPassenger Transport Systems
13 Feb. / 16 Apr. / 22 Jun.Writing a Literature Review in the TIL Domain
11 & 18 March 2020Periodic Review Inventory Management
25 Mar. / 8, 15 & 29 April 2020Transport Logistics Modelling
6, 7 & 8 April 2020Discrete Choice Analysis
22 April, 6, 13 & 20 May 2020Machine Learning

September – December 2019

DateTitle course
11 SeptemberCapita selecta: Data Driven Decision Models
16 SeptemberSocietal Relevance of your PhD Research
25 September & 16 OctoberCapita selecta: Emergency Service Logistics
2, 9 & 23 October & 6 NovemberFundamental Knowledge on Transport, Infrastructure & Logistics
7, 10 & 15 OctoberData-analysis and Statistics
24 OctoberWriting and Publishing a ‘TRAIL’ Research Article
30 October, 20 November, 4 & 18 DecemberAdvanced Inventory Theory
8 November (& 15 November)From Horse to Porsche: innovations in transport and logistics
13 November & 11 DecemberCapita selecta: Sustainable Operations Management
Introduction to TRAIL and the PhD Students Process

January – June 2019

DateTitle course
21 January 2019Introduction to TRAIL & the PhD Student Processs
13, 20 & 27 February, 20 March 2019Facility Logistics Management
14 February, 8 April, 20 June 2019Writing a Literature Review in the TIL Domain
4, 11 & 27 March 2019TIL- Theories & Methods
13 & 27 March, 3 & 17 April 2019Quantitative Modelling and Analysis of Supply Chains
4 & 5 April 2019Stated Choice Data Collection
7 May 2019Behavioural Aspects in Transport: introduction to traffic psychology
15 & 22 May, 5 & 12 June 2019Freight Transport Management
5 & 6 June 2019Deep Learning Demystified