Program TRAIL PhD Congress 2022

20 September 2022 – Grand Hotel Karel V, Utrecht
Start Time Unico van Wassenaar Graaf van Leicester Anna van Oostenrijk Hertogen
09.00 Registration & Coffee/tea
09.45 Opening by Bert van Wee and Felix Pot (PhD Council)
Transport Modelling & Simulation Train Transport Travel Behavior
Chair Serge Hoogendoorn Chair Rob Goverde Chair Henk Meurs
10.00 A framework to connect the flood and evacuation process: An interface for enrichment of evacuation models, decisions and strategies
Louise Klingen
Train motion model calibration: research agenda and practical recommendations
Alex Cunillera
Social media and public transit: Using twitter to improve the dynamic public travel trend prediction under Covid19
Yanyan Xu
10.20 UNRAVELED: UNderstanding tRAffic effects on paVement ravELing by fiEld Data
Zili Wang
The Future of Railway Traffic Management
Nina Versluis
A Cluster Analysis of Temporal Patterns of Travel Production in the Netherlands: Dominant within-day and day-to-day patterns and their association with Urbanization Levels
Zahra Eftekhar
10.40 UQnet: A non-parametric and generalizable approach for quantifying spatial uncertainty in trajectories prediction
Guopeng LI
Extracting railway passenger demand patterns from origin-destination data
Renate van der Knaap
Testing a new proposition explaining aggressive driving style in novice drivers: a slower assessment of risky road situations
Angèle Picco
11.00 Break Break Break
11.15 Impact of crowdsourced speed check data on traffic speed: A case study of the Netherlands
Yutian Liu
Self-Organizing Railway Operations
Konstantinos Rigos
Car-following and lane-changing behavior of human drivers in mixed traffic: A driving simulator experiment
Nagarjun Reddy
11.35 Privacy-preserving trajectory-based intersection safety assessment
Yiru Jiao
Assessment of quantitative methods for the safety-performance evaluation of next-generation train-centric railway operations
Joelle Aoun
Effects of life events and attitudes on vehicle transactions: A dynamic Bayesian network approach
Yajie Yang
11.55 Interactive Multiscale Visualization of Mobility Networks
Saman Behrouzi
A Latent Class Structural Equation Model of the Relationship between Travel Satisfaction and Overall Life Satisfaction; Controlling for Satisfaction with Other Life Domains
Yanan Gao
12.15 Lunch
(in de Refter!)
Automated Vehicles Transition towards Sustainable Mobility Optimization
Chair Bert van Wee Chair Jan Anne Annema Chair Bilge Atasoy
13.00 Traffic heterogeneity with connectivity and connected automated vehicles
Xue Yao
Modelling mobility transitions using the Actor-Option framework
Karoline Führer
Assortment Optimization for Boundedly Rational Customers
Mahsa Farhani
13.20 A Multiclass simulation-based traffic assignment model for mixed traffic flow of connected and autonomous vehicles and human-driven vehicles
Behzad Bamdad Mehrabani
Estimating the Effects of Any Future Mode on the Accessibility of an Urban Area Using a Multimodal Supernetwork
Koen de Clercq
Two-echelon Multi-trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Synchronization for An Integrated Water- and Land-based Transportation System
Çiğdem Karademir
13.40 Development of methodological control theory of meaningful human control (MHC) for automated driving system (ADS)
Lucas Elbert Suryana
Estimating availability effects in travel mode choice among e-bikes and other sustainable transport services: Results of a stated portfolio choice experiment
Xueting Ren
The ego vehicle trajectory plan interacting with the bicycle at a single-lane road
Jinyang Zhao
14.00 Developing an AI-Based Framework for Modeling Autonomous Vehicles in Microsimulation
Saeed Rahmani
Role of service uncertainty in decision to use Demand responsive transport services, A stated adaptation choice experiment
Shangqi Li
Online optimization approaches for fugitive interception
Irene van Droffelaar
14.20 Social Compliant Automated Driving
Yongqi Dong
Public Participation in Sustainable Mobility Policy-Making: A Scoping Review of Approaches
Jaap van der Waerden
14.40 Break Break Break
Active Modes Freight Transport & Supply Chain Miscellaneous
Chair Winnie Daamen Chair Rene de Koster Chair Wijnand Veeneman
15.20 Experiences with smart connected bikes
Mario Boot
Supply and demand models in intermodal transport: how to bridge the gap?
Adrien Nicolet
Integrated optimization of bus scheduling and charging plan considering the timetable shifting in an electric bus network
Mengyuan Duan
15.40 Level of smartness and technology readiness of technologies affecting cycling safety: A review of literature
Georgios Kapousizis
Coordination between synchromodal transport operators under unexpected events
Yimeng Zhang
Analyzing the potential of serious gaming to stimulate social learning for triple Access planning under high uncertainty
Maha Attia
16.00 Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in cycling speed:weather’s effects on cycling speed
Hong Yan
Decision-making in Hyperconnected Urban Last-mile Logistics
Merve Cebeci
Data-driven Prediction of Multimodal Urban Traffic Operation with Distributed Learning
Xiamei Wen
16.20 Assessing the computational complexity of pedestrian models: A framework
Martijn Sparnaaij
Structural uncertainty in supply chain simulation models
Isabelle van Schilt
Multi-objective dynamic geo-fencing for metropolitan transportation networks
Nirvana Pecorari
16.40 State-of-the-art framework of impacting factors on pedestrian behavior
Arco van Beek
Hybrid Berth Allocation for Bulk Ports with Unavailability and Stock Level Constraints
Xiaohuan Lyu
Decision-making for reliable supply chains
Yvonne Lont
17.00 Drinks
Q&A Life after PhD
Speed dating
18.00 Diner buffet

Best Presentation Award

20.00 End of program