• TRAIL is the Netherlands Research School on Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics. TRAIL trains Ph.D. candidates and performs scientific and applied scientific research in the fields of mobility, transport, logistics, traffic, infrastructure and transport systems. TRAIL is a collaborative initiative of six Dutch universities, and is accredited as research school since 1997.

  • Agenda courses & events

    • Course – Machine Learning

      September 12, 2024
      09.30 - 15.00 h

      This course is part of the GP-OML program (www.GPOML.nl). For more detailed course information and registration: CLICK HERE. Lecturers:Prof. dr. Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse (Hasselt University) Prof....   Read More

    • Course – Machine Learning

      September 19, 2024
      09.30 - 15.00 h

      This course is part of the GP-OML program (www.GPOML.nl). For more detailed course information and registration: CLICK HERE. Lecturers:Prof. dr. Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse (Hasselt University) Prof....   Read More

    • Course – Fundamental Knowledge on Transport, Infrastructure & Logistics

      September 23, 2024
      10.00 - 16.00 h

      This course is part of the GP-OML program (www.GPOML.nl). For more detailed course information and registration: CLICK HERE. Lecturers: Prof. dr. Bert Van Wee and Dr....   Read More

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